00 353 15312030 sales@solisgreenenergy.com

Empowering Your Future
with Sustainable Energy

Welcome to Solis Green Energy, a leading provider of sustainable energy solutions.

Solis Green Energy are a SEAI certified Solar Company that provides renewable energy and solar solutions to residential and commercial customers in Ireland. We are dedicated to providing the highest quality solar systems on the market and committed to facilitate a seamless shift to solar renewable energy.

Our team of solar experts is at your service to guide you through every stage of your solar journey. Get in touch with us to discover more about the solar grants available in Ireland and how they can benefit you.

Our Founders

Navid and Luca, each with their unique backgrounds and extensive professional journeys, came together to found Solis Green Energy driven by their shared passion for sustainable energy solutions.
Driven by the belief that clean and affordable energy should be accessible to all, we empower you to achieve energy independence while contributing to a greener environment.
It’s our mission to make renewable energy a reality for everyone in Ireland.

Navid Talebzadeh


Navid holds degrees in Experimental Physics and Business from the National University of Ireland Galway and boasts over two decades of diverse sales experience in retail, finance, and telecommunications. He previously founded a successful e-commerce tech company in Galway.

Luca Caralvi


Luca is professional with 25+ years of international experience in Technology, Software Dev, Project Management, Sales, Marketing, and C-level roles. As an Economics graduate, he founded a successful tech startup acquired by the largest Irish player in that sector. He is fluent in English, Spanish, and French.

Greener life for a sustainable future

Why Solis Green Energy

  • SEAI registered for both Residential and Commercial installations
  • FREE site survey all over the Country
  • We’re dedicated to providing you with a comprehensive and competitive quote, tailored to your property
  • We will guide you through the grant application process
  • We’ll handle all the paperwork and certification to ensure you receive your deserved grant promptly
  • We will educate and support you through every step of installation and commissioning process
  • We will promptly service from your first inquiry through to installation and aftercare

Extensive Expertise

With years of experience in the solar industry, our team has a proven track record of successful projects.

Competitive Pricing

We offer competitive pricing and good value for your money, without compromising on quality or performance.

Certified Installers

All Solis Green Energy engineers designing your PV system and all certifying installers are SEAI registered.

Customer Service

At Solis Green Energy, we’re committed to providing excellent customer service and ongoing support.

New Solis Green Energy Van

Key Benefits for any Homeowner

Save Money

Solar panels have a 25-30 year lifespan and can significantly reduce or even eliminate your monthly utility bills, allowing you to instantly save money .

New income by selling the surplus

Through net metering, excess electricity generated by your solar panels can be sold back to the grid or utility company, providing you with additional income.

Improve your BER rating

Using solar energy results in a reduction in energy consumption and an increase in energy efficiency, which can improve your Building Energy Rating (BER).

Increase Your property's Value

By installing solar panels, your property’s value increases, potentially by up to 7%, making it more attractive to potential buyers.

Produce your own clean energy

Generating your own electricity through solar energy makes you less dependent on the grid and energy companies, allowing you to produce your own clean energy.

Reduce Your Carbon Footprint

By using solar energy, you can reduce your dependence on fossil fuels and help to protect the environment, resulting in a lower carbon footprint.


At our core, we are committed to providing our customers with exceptional products and services. It’s our mission to exceed our customers’ expectations and deliver results that they can rely on.



What type of grants are available for a residential install?


The Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland (SEAI) grants support homeowners in installing solar PV systems to generate renewable electricity. The grant value varies based on the system size, capped at €2,400. In addition, the Electric Vehicle Home Charger grant supports residents and homeowners to install an electric vehicle charge point on their property. The scheme provides a grant up to the value of €600 towards the purchase and installation of a home charger unit.

Who is eligible for the SEAI grant?


Eligibility extends to homeowners and private landlords whose properties were built and occupied before 31st December 2020 and have not previously received solar PV funding at the specified MPRN.

Does Ireland gets enough sun for Solar?


Certainly YES, Ireland receives sufficient sunlight for solar energy production. Although known for its cloudy weather, Ireland's solar radiation is comparable to several European regions successfully using solar power.
Modern solar panels are designed to work efficiently even on overcast days, capturing diffuse sunlight to generate electricity. Typically, a well-sized solar panel system can cover around 75% - 80% of the electricity usage for an average Irish household, making it a practical and sustainable energy solution.

How long does it take to get returns on my investment?


The payback period for a PV system can also vary depending on several factors such as the size of the system, the amount of energy consumed by the business, and the cost of electricity in the area. However, with the current cost of electricity and the available SEAI grants, you can expect to recoup your investment within 5-7 years.

How sure can you be of Solar generating the expected RoI?


The assurance of a solar installation's return on investment (ROI) is underpinned by the predictability of long-term weather patterns and sophisticated analytical methods. Our state-of-the-art software utilises extensive meteorological data and solar irradiance records to offer precise calculations of potential energy output, taking into account the specific orientation and angle of the installation site.
This advanced level of precision in assessing factors such as the local climate and the property's geographic positioning allows for accurate predictions of solar performance.
As a result, the expected ROI from solar power systems is grounded in solid empirical evidence, making it a secure investment option.

Can I finance my PV system?


Yes, there are a number of financing options available for residential customers who want to install a photovoltaic (PV) system. Some banks offer home improvement loans specifically for energy upgrades, including solar installations. For example, Bank of Ireland offers the Green Home Improvement Loan, which can be used to finance energy-efficient home improvements, such as solar installations. AIB also offers a Green Personal Loan, which can be used to finance a range of green home improvements. Additionally, there are various government incentives and grants available to help offset the cost of installation.

Do I need planning permission to install solar?


NO, Solar panel installation on domestic properties doesn't require planning permission. As of 7th October 2022, homeowners can install solar panels on their entire roof without size restrictions.
However, planning may be necessary if your home is a protected structure, within a conservation area, or in a solar safeguarding zone near airports or hospitals due to glint and glare concerns.

How long does it take to install a typical solar system?


On average, a residential PV system can take between one and three days to install, but larger or more complex systems may take longer.
Before installation, our specialist will typically conduct a site assessment to assess any potential issues that may affect the installation timeline.
Additionally, all our Customers will have access to our web portal and/or application to track your installation as a project, so you can stay informed about the progress of your system.

How long solar panels last?


Solar panels are built to be durable and long-lasting. On average, solar panels have a lifespan of about 25 to 30 years.
However, this doesn't mean they stop producing electricity after this period; it just indicates that energy production might decrease to a level considered less efficient than their original output.
With proper maintenance, panels can continue to operate effectively for many years beyond their expected lifespan.

What are advantages of a battery and do I need one?


A battery stores surplus solar energy for later use, increasing your home's self-consumption of the electricity generated.
In Ireland, without a battery, a typical solar PV system allows you to use about 65%-70% of the power produced. Adding a battery can boost this to 85%-90%. Batteries are particularly useful if you're not at home during peak solar production hours, as they can store energy generated in the daytime for use in the evening or at night.
It also offers energy independence, ensuring a supply during power cuts and peak tariff times, which can lead to cost savings.
Furthermore, if you are at home, a battery can provide a quick power boost for high-usage activities, ensuring maximum use of your own solar electricity.