00 353 15312030 sales@solisgreenenergy.com

Solar Photovoltaic Systems for Homeowners

Upgrade Your roof to solar and save money with Grants available now.
Discover Your solar potential:get an instant quote
and a professional roof assessment.

Why Go Solar

At Solis Green Energy, we believe that everyone should have access to clean, renewable, and affordable energy.

Our Solar Systems are easy to install, highly efficient and designed to meet the specific energy needs of each home, providing free, clean and affordable energy. All our installations come with a comprehensive warranty and maintenance plan.

Don’t wait! Contact us today to schedule a free consultation and learn more about how our Solar Systems can help you reduce your energy costs and make a positive impact on the environment.

Why Now

With over 80% of Irish electricity still sourced from fossil fuels and electricity prices soaring, the shift towards renewable energy sources is not just desirable but essential. Beyond environmental conservation, with no sign of electricity prices returning to previous low, the availability of government incentives like SEAI grants (for both solar panels and electric car chargers), and 0% VAT applied on residential installations, makes renewable energy a financially very attractive choice. In addition remarkable innovations in solar technology have dramatically increased efficiency, shortening the return on investment period. If you’re considering the transition to solar power, there’s truly no better time than now to unlock these advantages.

Lower Upfront Cost

Introduced this year, the 0% VAT rate on residential installations lowers the upfront cost by over €1,100

Up to €3,000 cashback

SEAI is offering up to €2,400 grant for any Domestic system plus €600 for any EV changer installed

Tax free extra income

Up to €400 in exemption from income tax for profits generated by microgeneration of electricity

What is the enviromental impact of 12 panels

A full optional 5Kw solar system, usually composed by 12 high-performing south facing solar panels, represents a game changer for any household in Ireland. Such a system can easily generate up to 5,000 watts of electricity, enough to meet the energy needs of an average household of 4 people and dramatically reduce your electricity bills. This not only benefit your home, but will significantly contribute to environmental sustainability.

0Kg / year

Quantity of co2 offset

In Ireland, a 5kW solar system produces, on average, 12.50 KWh per day. Considering that each KWh of electricity generated by a coal power plant emits 1.18 kg of CO2, a 5KW system effectively offsets about 14.5 kg of CO2 daily. This amounts to an annual reduction of 5.4 tonnes of CO2 emissions.

0Trees / Year

equivalent trees

Planting a single tree can absorb approximately 21 kg of CO2 annually. In comparison, a 5kW solar system is equivalent to the CO2 absorption of 395 trees each year. As a result, over its 25-year warranty period, the solar system is comparable to planting a total of 9,875 trees, roughly 54 acres of forest.

Solar PV and SEAI Grants: up to €2,400 cashback

A Sustainable Solution for Lower Energy Bills

Solar Photovoltaic (PV) systems present an eco-friendly alternative that not only helps in lowering your energy bills but also plays a significant role in reducing your carbon footprint.

Households opting for solar PV systems can now benefit from a SEAI cashback incentive of up to €2,400, making the switch to solar energy even more affordable and appealing.

Start your journey towards a sustainable future today.

Why Solis Green Energy

Solis Green Energy specialises in designing and engineering photovoltaic (PV) systems, streamlining the process of transitioning to solar energy through technology-driven solutions.


  • We are SEAI registered for both Residential and Commercial installations
  • We offer a FREE site survey all over the Country
  • We’re dedicated to providing you with a comprehensive and competitive quote, tailored to your property
  • Our primary goal is to educate and support our customers through every step of installation
  • We will guide you through the grant application process
  • We will handle the paperwork to ensure you receive your deserved grant promptly
New Solis Green Energy Van

Extensive expertise

With years of experience in the solar industry, our team has a proven track record of successful solar projects. We specialize in a wide range of solar projects, including residential, commercial, and utility-scale installations.

Competitive Pricing

We offer competitive pricing and good value for your money, without compromising on quality or performance. We use only the highest-quality materials and equipment in our solar projects, ensuring optimal performance and durability.

Certified Installers

Using certified installers for your solar project is essential for ensuring the safety, reliability, and performance of your solar system. All engineers designing your PV system and all installers are SEAI certified.

Customer Service

At Solis Green Energy, we’re committed to providing excellent customer service and ongoing support after the installation is complete, offering a wide range of maintenance and support services.

What our customers say

Our two rooftops in Clontarf have been transformed into a powerhouse of renewable energy, thanks to this remarkable solar solution. The seamless integration of the solar panels and battery has redefined our energy experience. It feels wonderful to be part of the green energy revolution, and we couldn’t be happier with the results.

Eoin M.


Bringing 14 solar panels into our space has been like welcoming a breath of fresh air. Checking the panels, paired with a battery and some pretty neat gadgets like an EV charger and an energy diverter, have become a part of our daily routine.  Solis Green Energy made sure that every piece, from panels to the EV charger, fitted seamlessly.

Tony B.


 I recently had a residential PV system installed by Solis Green Energy, and I am extremely impressed with the results. The installation and grant application was hassle-free, and I have quickly noticed a significant reduction in my electricity bills. Their professional team made the entire process a delight, and I highly recommend them.


Nadine S.



How does a photovoltaic (PV) system work?

A photovoltaic (PV) system works by converting sunlight into electricity. The system consists of solar panels that are installed on your roof or in your yard. These panels are made up of photovoltaic cells, which absorb sunlight and generate an electrical charge. The electrical charge is then sent to an inverter, which converts it into usable electricity for your home. They are a clean and renewable source of energy that can help you save money on your energy bills while reducing your carbon footprint.

How much does a PV system cost?

The cost of a photovoltaic (PV) system can vary depending on a number of factors, such as the size of your roof or garden, your energy needs, and the location of your home. On average, a residential PV system without battery storage can cost between €4,000 and €12,000 . However, it's important to note that installing a PV system can also provide significant long-term savings on your energy bills. Additionally, there are SEAI grants available to help offset the cost of installation, which can make a PV system more affordable for homeowners.

Can I finance my PV system?

Yes, there are a number of financing options available for residential customers who want to install a photovoltaic (PV) system. Some banks offer home improvement loans specifically for energy upgrades, including solar installations. For example, Bank of Ireland offers the Green Home Improvement Loan, which can be used to finance energy-efficient home improvements, such as solar installations. AIB also offers a Green Personal Loan, which can be used to finance a range of green home improvements. Additionally, there are various government incentives and grants available to help offset the cost of installation.

How long does it take to install a PV system?

The length of time it takes to install a photovoltaic (PV) system can vary depending on a number of factors, such as the size of your home, the complexity of the installation, and the availability of materials and equipment. On average, a residential PV system can take between one and three days to install, but larger or more complex systems may take longer. Before installation, our specialist will typically conduct a site assessment to assess any potential issues that may affect the installation timeline. Additionally, all our Customers will have access to our web portal and/or application to track your installation as a project, so you can stay informed about the progress of your system.